The one thing you need to make your marketing work

Patience. Grit. Perseverance. Borderline Stubbornness. The number one reason people failed, especially when it comes to content marketing and organic reach, is a lack of patience and will try one more time. Statistics will be your first enemy The beauty of digital marketing is that it brings you statistics, and you know pretty much what’s happening with your content, which at the beginning, is not much. It is very tempting to let it go, drop the pace slowly, miss a few milestones until your plans to post daily on your blog are gone, or you let your twitter engagement running at an all time low....

July 14, 2021 · 2 min · YS

What happens when people sign up for your stuff

So you have this book that you wrote. This newsletter you so carefully crafted. This course you designed with attention and love. …. You are ready for launch. The world is waiting for you …. …. well …. NOPE. No one is waiting for you. Not even the people who registered for (tick the right answer): your newsletter your course your e-book. — > But they signed up, right?...

June 17, 2019 · 4 min · YS

Design like you care

Design is at the core of everything you do. The piece of hardware you are using to read this post has been designed. The website you read is the result of a design process.   Design is about creating the experience that will allow your audience to enjoy from what you want to give them.  As a kid you’ve designed carefully this present for your mum on mother’s day....

June 10, 2019 · 5 min · YS

Marketing 101 – 1 – Markets are conversations

Ok so you want to up your marketing game and you are looking for recommendations where to start. Here is the first post of a serie where I share with you what I think are the best references and guiding principles in marketing. This is stuff I have collected, read and applied over the course of more than 10 years and I will probably keep updating it as time pass....

September 4, 2018 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

self-publishing vs publisher

Also read this piece by tim ferris : How to Write a Bestselling Book This Year — The Definitive Resource List and How-To Guide

August 29, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Twitter roast – Burger King – Pancake edition

I just woke to a post in some fb group with a mashup of the latest Burger King twitter roast and thought I should start documenting these… so I downloaded that… Enjoy! When Burger King become Pancake King Whataburger is not having it Chili's siding with Whataburger

June 13, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Be interesting to somebody

Not to anybody. You cannot be interesting to anybody. Whatever medium you are using to express yourself – it won’t work with every human being. So instead of trying to please the world – go make sure the people your information is intended to reach – actually catch their attention. If you don’t know – just pick one and go with it. You will have an other opportunity tomorrow to write for the other crowd you have ignored today....

November 13, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Newsletter email confirmation – NextCloud UX copy

Nextcloud is an awesome solution to create and manage your own cloud you should really check them out if you have never heard of them. Here we have a quick look at the newsletter confirmation – an always challenging issue for open rate and engagement with your users. I found this one pretty good – so I have added it here. Why is it good? It gets personal It gets personnal real quick – which force you to care about that guy who is writing to you....

November 2, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Donation options – the canary

justSomeUX is a series where I share some interesting UX / UI and smart copy for your inspiration (and my archive of references). Asking for donations is never easy. Well, the Canary found a nice way to phrase it. >Interesting Donation UX Why is good? It gives perspective Make you realise that spend money more on dumb stuff so you might as well give them so of it

May 21, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Millennials are a myth

Millenials (people born after 1980 and before 2000) are defined as : lazy entitled unattached not motivated by money want more holidays more horseshit The point of this post is to share a truth more and more commonly agreed upon: Millenials are not real. “Millennials” as a concept is mainly a huge pile of crap. And I just stumbled upon wonderful talk by Adam Conover, and I think he made the point pretty brilliantly so please what the talk down there....

May 14, 2017 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

justAnExample – Newsletter email confirmation – Powazek

justAnExample is a series where I share some interesting UX / UI and smart copy for your inspiration (and my archive of references). Here today we have a newsletter done by Derek Powazek– veteran startup guy now growing vegetables in a farm.       Why this is good : Transparency Empathy Humor  Transparency Sharing his lack of clarity, being very honest from the beginning is a good way to get your people to trust you....

May 12, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Font Awesome

Font Awesome est devenue LA référence des polices de caractères pour le Web avec près des 20% des parts de marché, la positionnant juste derriere Google Fonts (les polices fournies par Google). Et ceci pour une bonne raison : il s’agit probablement d’une des meilleurs polices de caractères pour vous fournir des icônes. Lancée en 2012, Font Awesome est une police et une boite à outils pour icons basée sur CSS et LESS....

May 4, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

A fews things to pay attention to on LinkedIn

#1 – Pay attention to your photo Your profile is 21 times more likely to be viewed if you have a profile photo. That’s also the first thing people will use to get a first understanding of who you are. So, make sure your photo is clean and broadcast the kind of feeling your want – not just the photo you had available while doing your account. #2 – Pay attention to your headline Your LinkedIn headline matters because :...

May 1, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

LinkedIn – Social Media 101

Everyone knows LinkedIn – yet not everybody use it to its full power (and I totally include myself in this “everybody”). Linkedin has a lot of potential and here are some interesting tips I would suggest you have a look at. Some history & stats Founded in Dec, 2002 (When Windows XP was still at the top of its hype) Launched in May, 2003 (yes, you were a couple of years younger…)...

April 25, 2017 · 4 min · Johann Savalle

Up your LinkedIn skills with 3 talks on LinkedIn Strategy

Paul Copcutt: LinkedIn -Where your sales and marketing meet And also how can piñada and LinkedIn help to sell accounting services… Become a LinkedIn Search Ninja Spend 3 days to find valuable information on LinkedIn search. Found it. Social Selling by LinkedIn with LinkedIn This lady kicks ass. Very good video on social selling.

April 25, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

CRM – Une solution pour mieux gérer ses clients

Le CRM c’est un terme générique pour désigner les logiciels de gestion pour la relation client (Customer Relationships Manager – ou en français dans le texte GRC – Gestionnaire de la Relation Clients) A quoi ça sert? Un CRM cela vous permets de garder une vision générale du suivi de vos clients, des affaire en cours, se résumer à une simple feuille excel avec une listes de clients ou bien cela...

March 31, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

48% de conversion en plus (en 5 min)

Jason Thompson voulait que son blog soit plus efficace. Ce qu’il a fait lui a pris 5 min de son temps et a augmenté de 48% le nombre de leads de son blog: Voici ce qu’il a fait: Dans son formulaire de contact, il a effacé son icon générique de contact Il l’a remplacé par sa propre photo Et voilà. C’est tout. Avez vous essayer d’utiliser votre vrai photo à coté de votre email, téléphone ou formulaire de contact?...

February 2, 2017 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

Content is king

That’s not new. That’s also not something people pay enough attention to. Content is king for a reason. Content is the expression of your knowledge. Content is what help you communicate your brand. Content is what define if you exist or not on the internet. Content is what connect people with each other. Content is what make your voice meaningful. Content is what help you make a difference For all these reasons and many others, content is king....

January 30, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Mais que font les français sur Internet

C’est vrai que l’on parle en permanence de la monté du numérique… mais s’il y a tant de gens en ligne, que peut bien faire tout ce monde là sur la toile? Donc non, ce n’est pas ce que vous pensez, ils ne regardent pas des vidéos de chats à longueur de journée, contrairement à ce que Bouygues voudrait nous faire croire… Ils font leur courses En fait, ils font les choses de la vie, comme par example leur courses, avec 60% des Français qui ont effectué un achat en ligne en 2016 (et il y en aura surement davantage si Auchan, Leclerc et co....

December 8, 2016 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

Créer une culture de communication

Communiquer sur votre activité est le moyen le plus sûr de créer de la valeur ajouté pour votre entreprise. Une bonne communication sait capturer le quotidien de la vie de votre entreprise pour faire vivre le fil narratif de votre communication. Sous cette angle, la communication n’est pas juste le travail d’un community manager en stage, mais bien un état d’esprit présent au sein de vos équipes qui se sentent investies de la responsabilité de communiquer l’image et l’activité de l’entreprise....

June 12, 2016 · 2 min · Johann Savalle