Engagement Gamification and monetisation

Gamification for engagement and monetisation engagement and monetisation are nearly two aspects of the same thing. The user want to use to your app and is ready to invest more time or more money for it. Examples: Reddit : gamified status. Paid for social status using credits Audible : subscription earn you points, with points you can gain option to download books. Stop your sub and you lose all your points....

February 22, 2019 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

RTMP restream with ffmpeg

here is how you can restream a source video from one RTMP to Facebook live 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ffmpeg -i "rtmp://yourInputStream.stream" \ -r 30 \ -ar 44100 \ -s 1280x720 \ -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 90k \ -movflags +faststart \ -preset veryfast -crf 28 \ -tune zerolatency \ -profile:v baseline \ -maxrate 1000k \ -vcodec libx264 \ -bufsize 10000k \ -g 60 \ -max muxing_queue_size 1024 \ -f flv "rtmp://live-api-s....

February 21, 2019 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Json manipulations in javascript

February 2, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

ReactJS Material Tables / Datatables

February 1, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

Forms in React

January 31, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

Examples of React Projects

January 31, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

Recharts – Reactjs & D3

Recharts is a chart library built on React and D3. Focus on simplicity, native SVG support, lightweight, and declarative components. Source: https://github.com/recharts/recharts Site: http://recharts.org/  Line Charts   Area Charts    Bar Charts  Composed Chart  Scatter Chart    Radar Chart   

January 30, 2019 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Reactjs Video players

January 29, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

Artificial way to limit user churn

January 29, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

Various starting point for express api

January 29, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

Design Sprint – Coding Sprint – Sprint everything

January 24, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

Universal React SSR apps

January 22, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

Play live video from linux command line

January 15, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

Virtual webcam on linux

January 14, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

MySQL Mockdata

January 7, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

Create a Google Spreadsheet Add on

January 7, 2019 · 0 min · Johann Savalle

TOTD – Routines

Failing to keep a routine does not mean you cannot fix it the day after.

January 3, 2019 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

redefine overdeliver

Should always strive to deliver – even if less than anticipated than delaying to try to over deliver. IE : you deliver more often – not just more quality – and more often is a more sure way to reach more quality than delaying delivery

January 2, 2019 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

expressjs dynamic routing – reading list

http://expressjs.com/en/guide/routing.html https://alexanderzeitler.com/articles/expressjs-dynamic-runtime-routing/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19096453/convert-object-to-express-dynamic-routes https://github.com/OneOfOne/dynamic-routes

December 12, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

how to cut video using nodejs and ffmpeg

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31046930/how-to-cut-a-video-in-specific-start-end-time-in-ffmpeg-by-node-js#31050135 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18444194/cutting-the-videos-based-on-start-and-end-time-using-ffmpeg?rq=1 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40454172/ffmpeg-cut-video-and-include-ending-video-image?rq=1 https://superuser.com/questions/138331/using-ffmpeg-to-cut-up-video#704118 https://medium.com/@brianshaler/on-the-fly-video-rendering-with-node-js-and-ffmpeg-165590314f2

December 12, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle