Vintage ads for modern products – youtube facebook twitter adspiration

adspiration is a series of post where I store interesting ads campaign for the purpose of documenting and referencing how we communicate ideas and concepts The following is an a series of print ads realised for Maxi Media – around the topic – “everything age fast” Youtube Vintage Ad  Skype Vintage Ad  Twitter Vintage Ad  Facebook Vintage ad    

June 3, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Babbler – un outil pour vos RP

Plateforme créée en 2013. L’objectif de Blabber est de fournir une plateforme de gestion de RP (Relation de Presse) plus flexible – autant pour les journalistes que pour les communiquant. Prônant l’aspect de relation directe – grâce à une plateforme sociale spécialisé dans la presse, Blabber s’est imposé grâce à un coût attractif qui remet les communicant dans le siège du conducteur – tout en permettant un accès plus directe à la source pour les journalistes....

May 24, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

le ecommerce continue sa croissance

Plus de 20 milliards d’euros. C’est la somme dépensé sur Internet en France sur le 1er trimestre 2017 – selon un rapport de la FevadC’est 14,2% de plus par rapport à la même période l’an passé. Certes, le rythme s’est ralenti – si l’on compare aux progressions des dernières années – ce qui traduit une autre tendance: l’e-commerce devient une partie intégrale des habitudes de consommation des français. Cette croissance est due à une forte augmentation du nombre de transactions (d’achats) avec quand même près de 290 millions de transactions sur le trimestre....

May 24, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

E-Estonia – Is the digital utopia for real?

Eesti Vabariik – the Republic of Estonia 45,339 Km2 and a population 1.3 M people which like a ten time less than Paris or London. They have a complex and interesting history (actually most countries have an interesting history – but maybe it is a personal taste.)  But what is really interesting is how Estonia use the digital to organise their society. E-residency E-voting E-school E-police E-etc.  It looks quite a digital utopia…...

May 23, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

10 laws of project management

Augustine’s Law A bad idea executed to perfection is still a bad idea Corollary: A good idea poorly executed is of no use to anyone  Lakein’s Law Failing to plan is planning to fail Eisenhower’s corollary : Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.  Fitzgerald’s Law There are two states to any large project : too early to tell and too late to stop Corollary: Projects have momentum, once started they become increasingly difficult to stop...

May 22, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

3 elearning platforms you probably never heard of

We always talk about elearning through the lense of MOOCs and self-study management. WordPress (Sensei, Learndash, LeanPress, WP-Courseware), Moodle, edX, Blackboard, Canvas, Sakai and others come out as the solutions mentioned over and over again.  Here I wanted to show you three different directions for education and elearning needs.  HR Driven: JollyDeck JollyDeckis an HR driven elearning platform to help managers and training departments develop and deploy internal learning strategies....

May 22, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Donation options – the canary

justSomeUX is a series where I share some interesting UX / UI and smart copy for your inspiration (and my archive of references). Asking for donations is never easy. Well, the Canary found a nice way to phrase it. >Interesting Donation UX Why is good? It gives perspective Make you realise that spend money more on dumb stuff so you might as well give them so of it

May 21, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Finish your ideas

We all have ideas. Sometime we don’t even realise we do, as we don’t always pay attention to the flow of our mind. Some ideas come and pass and never come back. Some stick around. Sometime we turn these ideas into action. But even then we seldom finish them.  Parkinson’s law Parkinson’s law is a project-management rule of thumb stating that : “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”...

May 21, 2017 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

How big is Google?

I was working earlier on a post on privacy, then realised I cannot even start to give a proper introduction to it without laying down some facts first. So, there will be no jumping straight into the subject of privacy, centralisation of the internet, and how politics is affecting the internet as a whole. Instead, we will take a couple of posts to really define the current state of the internet, also give an historical perspective, before diving into the core of the subject....

May 21, 2017 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

Everything is a remix

The quote above is a funny, yet very accurate introduction to the topic developed in the documentary by Kirby Ferguson : Everything is a Remix. (side note: If you care who said this quote go check this link to figure out why nobody really knows.) Everything is a remix explores the concept of originality in creativity.  Never heard of it? Please, take the time to watch it below....

May 20, 2017 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

Do what you can’t

They did not know it was impossible so they did it — Mark Twain  Rules, somehow, always, seems to be a barrier to innovation.   Status-quo is cultural protectionism The status-quo creates artificial scarcity. Because it promotes the lack of initiative It supports business as usual. The status-quo is opposed to disruption, to change, to innovation. It is opposed to improvement. It is the systemic manifestation of the resistance....

May 17, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Milgram experiment, company culture, work ethics

Or why “do as you are told” is a bad idea. In 1964, Stanley Milgram back then a young researcher at Yale University, published the resultsa famous experiment known to this day as the Milgram Experiment. The set up is simple: The subject of the experiment takes part himself in a (staged) experiment supposed to study the impact of pain on memory and learning. For this, he is asked by the experimenter to administer increasingly strong electric shocks to a test subject for every wrong answer....

May 16, 2017 · 4 min · Johann Savalle

Millennials are a myth

Millenials (people born after 1980 and before 2000) are defined as : lazy entitled unattached not motivated by money want more holidays more horseshit The point of this post is to share a truth more and more commonly agreed upon: Millenials are not real. “Millennials” as a concept is mainly a huge pile of crap. And I just stumbled upon wonderful talk by Adam Conover, and I think he made the point pretty brilliantly so please what the talk down there....

May 14, 2017 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

justAnExample – Newsletter email confirmation – Powazek

justAnExample is a series where I share some interesting UX / UI and smart copy for your inspiration (and my archive of references). Here today we have a newsletter done by Derek Powazek– veteran startup guy now growing vegetables in a farm.       Why this is good : Transparency Empathy Humor  Transparency Sharing his lack of clarity, being very honest from the beginning is a good way to get your people to trust you....

May 12, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Préparer votre site pour le mobile avec Sizzy

Avec la quantité croissante de tailles d’écrans sur lesquels votre site va être affiché, il est facile de s’y perdre. Pour vous aider à voir comment votre site fonctionne sur le téléphone mobile, il y a maintenant Sizzy. Sizzyest un outil open source (sources disponible ici) et proposant une fonctionnalité simple mais très utile. Il simule votre site dans pratiquement toutes les tailles d’écran mobile et tablettes, existant sur le marché....

May 11, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Font Awesome

Font Awesome est devenue LA référence des polices de caractères pour le Web avec près des 20% des parts de marché, la positionnant juste derriere Google Fonts (les polices fournies par Google). Et ceci pour une bonne raison : il s’agit probablement d’une des meilleurs polices de caractères pour vous fournir des icônes. Lancée en 2012, Font Awesome est une police et une boite à outils pour icons basée sur CSS et LESS....

May 4, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

The elearning (r)evolution

Daphne Koller: What we’re learning from online education The lady from Courseratells you how it is done and what they have learned. Salman Khan: Let’s use video to reinvent education The guy who founded the Khan Academytalks to you about what online video can do for schooling and education.

May 3, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

A fews things to pay attention to on LinkedIn

#1 – Pay attention to your photo Your profile is 21 times more likely to be viewed if you have a profile photo. That’s also the first thing people will use to get a first understanding of who you are. So, make sure your photo is clean and broadcast the kind of feeling your want – not just the photo you had available while doing your account. #2 – Pay attention to your headline Your LinkedIn headline matters because :...

May 1, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Beer, Conversation and Bridging the Opinion Gap

We are all different. Color, Race, Religions. Different brands of toothpaste. Different opinions. Lately, having different opinions is starting to turn into a real issue.  Up to a point where people can’t even have a conversation about it. (Arguably, this was always the case, just that now, it seems it is getting harder to just ignore others’ opinions)  It is not always easy to to discuss. Open conversations are hard....

April 28, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Constraints, Creativity, Startups, Funding

When options are limited, people produce more solutions – not less. When people are limited they try to improve and optimise.  The opposite is true. It is known as Parkinson’s Law : “Work expands so as to fill the time available for it’s completion”  Well, seems like what is true for time budget is also true for financial budget. The more money there is available the more money you will use for your project....

April 26, 2017 · 3 min · Johann Savalle