We always talk about elearning through the lense of MOOCs and self-study management.

WordPress (Sensei, Learndash, LeanPress, WP-Courseware), Moodle, edX, Blackboard, Canvas, Sakai and others come out as the solutions mentioned over and over again.


Here I wanted to show you three different directions for education and elearning needs.


HR Driven: JollyDeck

JollyDeck is an HR driven elearning platform to help managers and training departments develop and deploy internal learning strategies.

They come with pre-made courses on HR related topic, tools for managers and trainers.

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        Pre-made courses

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        AI Driven Coaches

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Microlearning : Moblrn

Learning is hard.

Dropout rate are kind of impressive.

Therefore elearning solutions  are trying to adapt new formats to our overbooked scheduled.

Moblrn is one of these solutions.

Design your couse online and make them available in your app.<div class=‘avia-video avia-video-16-9 av-lazyload-immediate av-lazyload-video-embed ' itemprop=“video” itemtype=“https://schema.org/VideoObject" data-original_url=‘https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ge1xdB4fLU’ >



Curriculum Design : Design Jot

Organising the data is kind of critical.

Design Jot is a mobile app designed to help you organise your learning curriculum.

It is made by a major training consultancy, AllenComm



That’s it.

I just wanted to give some quick preview of what is out there.

I will probably make an other couple of posts on this topic later on.

Meanwhile, if you know of some interesting elearning products or platforms you think should get more exposure, please fell free to drop it down in the comments.