Infosec privacy for a Sunday watch list (tor / bitcoins)

Research notes / Watchlist for later review on infosec and privacy and anonymity – note that these two are different.  #Tor Developer Isis Lovecruft lectures on anonymity systems at Radboud Universiteit #Browsing with Tor: Online Anonymity to Outsmart the NSA – Tom Lowenthal  #DEFCON 14: How to Create an Anonymous Identity  #DEFCON 20: Can You Track Me Now? Government And Corporate Surveillance Of Mobile Geo-Location Data...

January 28, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Just ship

I am very good at starting things. It wasn’t always true – I used to waste a lot of time to ponder and get to work – now in the past decade I think I have brought my capacity to set up a new project to a real good level – and kickstarting things into motions. Now – I need to move to the next level – which is perfecting the finish....

January 27, 2018 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Build Worflows

Resistance and friction is what make the daily grind hard. Let your creativity flow more easily by removing all the block from the roads so you can focus on the journey and not on perpetually cleaning up the mess that getting in your way. Writing : How I write I use Notational Velocity (Windows / Linux equivalent) – Publishing – DeskPM but also setting up a place like /var/log on my site has remove a bunch of psychological road blocks that were getting in the way....

January 26, 2018 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Making some changes

ok, inspired by a friend, I have decided to make some changes in the way i organise my content on this blog. Separating pure content (in depth article, how-tos, reference post) from the blog in a more casual sense of word. In a follow up to post “We have stopped blogging” – I want to get back to some regular writing. Less formal, more personal, maybe informative maybe not – I don’t know yet, what I know is I want it to be place where I can share with you an open conversation....

January 24, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

We have stopped blogging

We have stopped blogging Once blogging was a thing Not a thing to talk about business But a place where people would share ideas thoughts moments emotions stories with each others. I think we should do more of that We should start blogging again. We should bring this conversation back. We left to the Facebooks and the Twitters take the control of the conversations (and no, I am not ranting against these platforms, for a change… see, I actually think Facebook and Twitter and social media as a whole has enabled a lot more people to get in touch with each other… the fact that they do other very bad thing is a different story, but fundamentally, as a conversational platform, they are pretty good…)...

January 16, 2018 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

Server security scan #manpage

chkrootkit – Linux rootkit scanner What it does : Find rootkits Where to find it : in your distribution – or on Malware protection Option 1: ISPProtect – 90 euro / year but worth it. Where to find it : Step #1: Get a licence Step #2: Download and install and run Then indicate your key number or trial if you want a trial version. Indicate /var/www to start the scan on the web installs....

November 20, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Voice & IOT

Voice and IOT Amazon Echo, Alexa, Google Home, Apple HomePod and Siri (and Microsoft Cortana) are all fighting to control the voice market. While they get full respect for doing so, I am not gonna say I am particularly trusting any of these companies to provide us with the best level of privacy, service and control over what we do with our devices and how is the data used. Therefore I am compiling here some resources which I’ll probably update as we go on interesting DIY tools to build similar devices....

November 19, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Be interesting to somebody

Not to anybody. You cannot be interesting to anybody. Whatever medium you are using to express yourself – it won’t work with every human being. So instead of trying to please the world – go make sure the people your information is intended to reach – actually catch their attention. If you don’t know – just pick one and go with it. You will have an other opportunity tomorrow to write for the other crowd you have ignored today....

November 13, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Newsletter email confirmation – NextCloud UX copy

Nextcloud is an awesome solution to create and manage your own cloud you should really check them out if you have never heard of them. Here we have a quick look at the newsletter confirmation – an always challenging issue for open rate and engagement with your users. I found this one pretty good – so I have added it here. Why is it good? It gets personal It gets personnal real quick – which force you to care about that guy who is writing to you....

November 2, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Are you a robot?

Automation is coming. It is affecting nearly all industries. And it would be stupid to ignore it. But aren’t we taking the frenzy a tad too far? (Disclaimer: This article is a bit messy – I have tried my best to give it a decent shape – but if we are to be honnest, it needs some serious re-writing – which I will probably do – but I wanted to get this out now anyway – so take it as a work in progress with maybe a few unfinished thoughts / sentence here and there…)...

October 27, 2017 · 6 min · Johann Savalle

50 shades of truth

Most people would rather be certain they’re miserable, than risk being happy. (R. Anthony) Certainty is cool. We love when we can feel confident. It makes our world emotionaly safer.  Also – we hate it when we have to issue a correction about a statement we made that turned out wrong.  Certainty is a certain form of safety.  Complexity leads to mistakes – which leads to lack of certainty…...

October 19, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

How to post with WP-CLI

Right, so this is probably not for everyone – but I just wanted to share.   Vim plugin – not this time Before you just say – “hey there is a plugin for that” – (If you don’t know, Vim as a bunch of plugin and I would advise you check VimAwesome to get an idea of how many things you can do with this tiny piece of software.) So obviously among all the plugins, there are a few dedicated to manage your WordPress blog directly in VIM....

October 17, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Youtube et le minitel

Comparaison insolite mais troublante de part son exactitude, Benjamin Bayart explique comment youtube et le minitel se sont retrouvés à travers leurs modèles commerciaux, après presque 20 ans de différence entre les platformes.<div class=‘avia-video avia-video-16-9 av-lazyload-immediate av-lazyload-video-embed ' itemprop=“video” itemtype=“" data-original_url=‘’ >  En effet, le modèle de revenus de la plateforme de Youtube basé sur la publicité, laquelle n’est possible que si du contenu est publié et ainsi pour encourager la publication de contenus réguliers, Youtube offre de partager une partie des revenus publicitaires avec les créateurs de contenus....

September 25, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Laravel Dashboards

1. LaraAdmin GitHub : Website: 2. Backpack 3. Voyager Website: 4. CRUD Booster 5. Quick Admin 6. Z-Song 7. appzcoder 8. SleepingOwlAdmin  On Code Canyon – Paid stuff  

June 16, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Call-to-Action (CTA) – Kezako – Une rapide définition

Un Call-to-Action (CTA) est un terme un peu jargoneux utiliser en marketing pour indiquer un “appel à l’action” ou en bref, un message clair (sur la page de vente, dans le mail commercial, sur la bannière, etc.) qui encourage celui qui est visé par le message à prendre action, en général il s’agit d’un appel à s’inscrire ou à prendre contact, ou à cliquer sur un lien.  Des liens ou boutons tels que « Inscrivez-vous maintenant » ou « Téléchargez dès maintenant le livre blanc » sont des exemples d’appel à l’action....

June 15, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

AB Testing – Kezako

Un AB test consiste à scinder en deux groupes identiques les visiteurs de votre site (ou les emails de votre base ou bien les impressions de votre campagne) mais à leur présenter à chacun une variation de la même campagne. Ceci permet de tester notamment: Un titre Une image Un message etc. Après une période de test donné, allant de quelques jours à un mois, si une des versions est plus performante que l’autre, on peut donc la favoriser pour obtenir de meilleures performances....

June 15, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Syncthing – le cloud qui a les pieds sur terre

Syncthing – du partage de fichier Syncthing – dont est l’abréviation de “Synchronise Things” – “Synchroniser les choses” est un petit logiciel bien pratique qui synchronise vos fichier d’un appareil à un autre. De votre téléphone, à votre ordinateur de bureau en passant par votre ordi portable, et pourquoi pas votre server et ou votre lave-vaisselle (si celui se connecte à internet), vous pouvez synchroniser vos fichiers. C’est notamment pratique pour le...

June 15, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Waiting screen UX in Mediatemple

justSomeUX is a series where I share some interesting UX / UI and smart copy for your inspiration (and my archive of references).  Media Temple is a web hosting company – at the high-end spectrum – I mean they are pretty good – both in service and in functionalities and options for hosting your site. But… I just created a site on it the other day and they had a super cool UX trick for their waiting screen....

June 4, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

ADOT Campaign – Words kills War – adspiration

adspiration is a series of post where I store interesting ads campaign for the purpose of documenting and referencing how we communicate ideas and concepts      

June 3, 2017 · 1 min · YS

if it is free, you are [not] the product

_“If it is free, you are the product” _ This statement is an easy shot. Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. are free because they use our data. Therefore we are bound to agree to this fact or simply close our social account and disconnect from the rest of the world.But is it really true? Can we never see anything offered for free that is not perverted at its core? It is not what you think The usual argument says : “Free for the users, means that you have to pay with your privacy and the reason for it is that since you are not willing to pay for the service, then somebody has to – hence advertisers“....

June 3, 2017 · 5 min · Johann Savalle