I am very good at starting things.

It wasn’t always true – I used to waste a lot of time to ponder and get to work – now in the past decade I think I have brought my capacity to set up a new project to a real good level – and kickstarting things into motions.

Now – I need to move to the next level – which is perfecting the finish.

To go full “seth godin” definition: JUST SHIP.

Delivery – even imperfect is such an important thing.

Ultimately – no matter how hard you work, people don’t give shit until you deliver something.

Often time I get caught in trying to make something perfect, instead of focusing on getting it just done.

Done is better than perfect is a reality.

Part of me is doing this daily blog in order to improve this issue.

A daily blog is an obligation to deliver on a daily basis a piece of work.

It is a great tool for creatives I think to train your consistency and your capacity to ship.

ship early, ship often

Then you can improve the quality.

But first, training yourself to ship is vital.

Nobody love cheap talk.

People want to get results.

The results are measured only on what you shipped.

So bottom line, I need to improve my shipping.