so yeah… I know it was supposed to post everyday.

Well, it is apparently not 100% there yet.

I know it is coming so I am not too worried.

Maybe a bit disappointed with myself.

The whole idea of /var/log was to create a space online where I could somehow journal my work, my research, my idea, draft my articles without holding it all either on my computer or in my head…

In a weird way however, things went south when I started to overthink my writing for this space.

Overdoing it, wanted to write perfect articles, with all the arguments, all the content (which is what the main blog is for…)

So, all in all, just a quick post to break the cycle and get back on track.

Because here is the thing when you are trying to build a new habit : you are going to fall off track (else it means the habit would be already built, well rooted in your daily activities…) so if you cannot pack it, or make it work on the first try, the best is to get back on the horse and try again.

I fell off my objective of daily writing.

Now I am back at it again.

See you in the next post!