SEO on a budget
SEO isn’t hard you need good content and good link. That’s kind of all. But when you cannot do any of these or you want to accelerate the process, might be worth thinking how you’re gonna optimise that process. Finding good content on this is pretty hard. This video however is really a neat finding. So enjoy !
Vue component layout
Should everybody learn to code?
Given the over enthusiasm for programming This is a pretty refreshing take.
Nextcloud – what to do when sync fail
Just try these steps occ ‘files:scan –all’ occ ‘files:cleanup’ if already solved stop where, if not proceed with step 4 occ ‘maintenance:mode –on’ sign in to your mysql db and run: “delete from oc_file_locks where 1;” occ ‘maintenance:mode –off’
UX Design – Improve yourself
Practice makes perfect. Or at least, it does help improve your skills. It does make you a better designer. A better problem solver. A better engineer. A better maker. Just better. Here are some resources to up your game. 1. Designercize Fancy designing a sortable list view for a habit-tracking app to help film snobs? Or how about designin dashboard for a smart home watering system, to help social media managers?...
Design process – Content strategy – 3 talks to watch
Content is critical. Here are three talks where you can think about to think about the thinking that goes into writing how you think. (I might have overdone that one…) Anyway… here it is. Content Strategy in a Zombie Apocalypse, Karen McGrane at USI UX Content Strategy w/ Karen McGrane How to Write Content for Web
Design procress – the User research [research notes]
User Research Appear in the early design process. Not always full fledged process is deployed obviously – depend on the focus of the project, on its complexity and on its budget. Focus on: User research main focus is on: user behaviors user needs motivations Why you need it To deliver a service that meets your users’ needs, you have to understand: who your likely users are what they’re trying to do how they’re trying to do it now how their life or work influences what they do and how how they use and experience existing services They said Mike Kuniaysky defines it as : “the process of understanding the impact of design on an audience....
Right to repair – 4 videos to make you think
more people should be talking about this Apple is working to prevent people from repairing the iphone they bought. This is a 15 min video on a legal case where Apple lost – and is very well explained.kudos to @RossmannGroupfor it For the record, #apple is not the only one doing that Car companies are too. Check this one :Sony as well who sued George Hotz for playing around with his Playstation: In a world where electronics are gonna be more and more fundamentals elements of our day to day life – it makes sense we pay attention that the stuff we buy belong to us (AKA the people who buy it) and not to the manufacturer....
Research notes : Design for trust
So, here are some of my notes on designing for trust. It is more and more important to look at design beyong its usability function and start to think about the emotional state of the user. (Funny enough I just found a video from a designer talking about that 8 years ago… so yeah… it is really time then…) As I was working on design principles for a projectthe other day – I started to dig into this concept of trust and design....
Machine learning : digging into recommendation system
Gotta build on of these for a complex and content rich elearning site. So did some research. Here are some of my findings. Here is a good start : How to Build a Recommender Systemby Martin KihnThe Components of a Recommender Systemon a site with quite some articles on the topic – like this one on Impression DiscountingOr this one : Beginners Guide to learn about Content Based Recommender Engineswhich is from 2015 but still cover the general basis....
JS tooling
The web is evolving. Here are some element to catch up on VueJs and NodeJS Building a RESTful API with Node.jsNodeJS Shopping CartVue.js 2 – Getting StartedBuild a Chat Room from scratch (vuejs, nodejs, Stack Web App using Vue.js & Express.jsHotel system in Vue.jsVue.js 2 & Vuex (Basics)
Site map vs content architecture (content map – IA)
IA – information architecture “Structural design of shared information environments” example: Site map “A site map is a list of pages of a web site.”Source for images
Fundamental of experience design
> Todo : Add summary of the illustration Source link :
Make your own Operating system
Writing your own OS – nobody does that. That’s why it is interesting 🙂 Reference post for later. OS general intro – pretty good.<div class=‘avia-video avia-video-16-9 av-lazyload-immediate av-lazyload-video-embed ' itemprop=“video” itemtype=“" data-original_url=‘’ > Tutorial – Step by step References: From the guy who did the 1h tutorial. Full list : A pretty interesting book on lecture from Birmingham university on the topic here....
Design is at the crossroad of business technology and art
I look at design as a univeral tool for problem solving. However most people and client I meet seem to see design only as the visual aspect of the solution. The “How it looks” versus being the “how it works“. So I decided to make a visual represention of it. Design is everywhere Design sit really at the crossroad of three fields – Art, Business and tech Art, most often is the one it is associated with – in a world view where designers are just artists-for-hire to prettify the stuff the developpers/engineers do....
Startup culture or HR marketing scam
Just watch the following talk… Trends sell. Sometime they sell bulshit. Startup culture and entrepreneurship is trendy now. But now always for good reasons…
cofounding and company ownership over time
Very good talk about how company founders should think about equity and capital shares.“Founders, don’t fuck up your cap tables!” by Oussama, Founder @The Family
Selling strategy with Chris Do
Strategy is everything. But it is not always understood this way – and can be a tough sell sometime. Here is an interesting discussion around the topic: Part 1: Part 2: Enjoy!
Kids – don’t break your computer
Kids dont break your computer. Just broke mine. It’s a pain. If you break stuff however, I found an awesome channel to learn about computer repair. Louis RossmannCheck it out.