So, here are some of my notes on designing for trust.

It is more and more important to look at design beyong its usability function and start to think about the emotional state of the user.

(Funny enough I just found a video from a designer talking about that 8 years ago… so yeah… it is really time then…)

As I was working on design principles for a project the other day – I started to dig into this concept of trust and design.

And I was pleasantly surprised (well, not that surprised… but still) to realise quite a lot of litterature out there with some interesting insights.

Crossing Africa and learning about trust

First – this 10 min on designing for trust with quite some interesting points on trust and design.

Trust – requires to give up things

Trust is made out of micro-moments of trust

The world doesnt work without trust

Environnement define the level of expected trust

AirBnB talks a lot about trust

Also some interesting articles on trust and design here :

Designing for Trust

Hospitality requieres mutual trust

Designing for friends – or as a friend.

Make the users looks like friendly people.

Add a smile.

Building for Trust

Designing for trust –

General UI/UX elements to think about


  • Design quality
  • Let your users know what is going to happen
  • Use trust indicators
  • Social proof

Pyramid of trust

Last stuff I found here from NNGroup (a known UX design group)

with the concept of pyramid of trust – which is a nice way to model the different stages of trust.

Psychology of Trust

Other stuff to review :

It’s time to design for trust! MobX Conference and UX Alive! Berlin