Milgram experiment, company culture, work ethics

Or why “do as you are told” is a bad idea. In 1964, Stanley Milgram back then a young researcher at Yale University, published the resultsa famous experiment known to this day as the Milgram Experiment. The set up is simple: The subject of the experiment takes part himself in a (staged) experiment supposed to study the impact of pain on memory and learning. For this, he is asked by the experimenter to administer increasingly strong electric shocks to a test subject for every wrong answer....

May 16, 2017 · 4 min · Johann Savalle

Millennials are a myth

Millenials (people born after 1980 and before 2000) are defined as : lazy entitled unattached not motivated by money want more holidays more horseshit The point of this post is to share a truth more and more commonly agreed upon: Millenials are not real. “Millennials” as a concept is mainly a huge pile of crap. And I just stumbled upon wonderful talk by Adam Conover, and I think he made the point pretty brilliantly so please what the talk down there....

May 14, 2017 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

justAnExample – Newsletter email confirmation – Powazek

justAnExample is a series where I share some interesting UX / UI and smart copy for your inspiration (and my archive of references). Here today we have a newsletter done by Derek Powazek– veteran startup guy now growing vegetables in a farm.       Why this is good : Transparency Empathy Humor  Transparency Sharing his lack of clarity, being very honest from the beginning is a good way to get your people to trust you....

May 12, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

The elearning (r)evolution

Daphne Koller: What we’re learning from online education The lady from Courseratells you how it is done and what they have learned. Salman Khan: Let’s use video to reinvent education The guy who founded the Khan Academytalks to you about what online video can do for schooling and education.

May 3, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

A fews things to pay attention to on LinkedIn

#1 – Pay attention to your photo Your profile is 21 times more likely to be viewed if you have a profile photo. That’s also the first thing people will use to get a first understanding of who you are. So, make sure your photo is clean and broadcast the kind of feeling your want – not just the photo you had available while doing your account. #2 – Pay attention to your headline Your LinkedIn headline matters because :...

May 1, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Beer, Conversation and Bridging the Opinion Gap

We are all different. Color, Race, Religions. Different brands of toothpaste. Different opinions. Lately, having different opinions is starting to turn into a real issue.  Up to a point where people can’t even have a conversation about it. (Arguably, this was always the case, just that now, it seems it is getting harder to just ignore others’ opinions)  It is not always easy to to discuss. Open conversations are hard....

April 28, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Constraints, Creativity, Startups, Funding

When options are limited, people produce more solutions – not less. When people are limited they try to improve and optimise.  The opposite is true. It is known as Parkinson’s Law : “Work expands so as to fill the time available for it’s completion”  Well, seems like what is true for time budget is also true for financial budget. The more money there is available the more money you will use for your project....

April 26, 2017 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

LinkedIn – Social Media 101

Everyone knows LinkedIn – yet not everybody use it to its full power (and I totally include myself in this “everybody”). Linkedin has a lot of potential and here are some interesting tips I would suggest you have a look at. Some history & stats Founded in Dec, 2002 (When Windows XP was still at the top of its hype) Launched in May, 2003 (yes, you were a couple of years younger…)...

April 25, 2017 · 4 min · Johann Savalle

Up your LinkedIn skills with 3 talks on LinkedIn Strategy

Paul Copcutt: LinkedIn -Where your sales and marketing meet And also how can piñada and LinkedIn help to sell accounting services… Become a LinkedIn Search Ninja Spend 3 days to find valuable information on LinkedIn search. Found it. Social Selling by LinkedIn with LinkedIn This lady kicks ass. Very good video on social selling.

April 25, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Art is about creating perspective

Design is about solving problem Art is about creating perspective Both place the human dimension at the center of their craft It is never about the tool or the medium per se It is always about the experience Imagination is the trigger Pulling the trigger take you out of this world Use text – images – sound – video – animation – sculpture – theatre – anything. Take the weapon of your choice....

April 20, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

The dystopian future of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

I am a big believer that technology is neither bad nor good. Technology is just a tool than enable our capacity to be more of what we are already. We can use technology to solve problems. Potentially, we can create a better society. But it is not up to technology but how we use it.  Recently – Virtual Reality (VR) Augmented Reality (AR) are more and more trendy. Everyone is super excited about where all this is going....

April 17, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Make shit happen

#Make shit happen Get out and shout your truth to the world You might be wrong but you will never know until you get it out Breaking news: the world will go on with or without you – so better you become an active part of it. #Just do it Just move on and create. Make new things happen. Try out. Produce. Experiment. Throw things out to the world and see what sticks....

April 15, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Make your own iPhone – a crazy and fascinating experiment

Ever wonder if you can build your own phone? Well this guy did. Last time I checked how to make a phone myself, the only thing I could find always seemed very hard and not very practical (just have a look at this DIY Smartphonebased on a rasperry-pi) But the Strange Parts’s project is really impressive and give plenty of hopes for a different future of DIY-phones. While I am probably not going to that myself, it is still rather instructive and inspiring....

April 15, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

WTF is Shenzhen

Ok, if you have never heard of Shenzhen, China you might want to get yourself up to date with this quick article – because really, it is getting more and more attention lately, as it has turned into a major platform of electronic hardware manufacturing of the past 15 years.  Located north of Hong Kong, Shenzen is the center of the supply chain hub for electronics. All of the major contract manufacturers working for Apple, HP, Microsoft and all the big guys all are there....

April 15, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Mastodon – a lightweight twitter that can weight a lot

So, the news broke. It’s all over the Internet. Mastodonis the new cool kid on the block. It came out on my radars a few months ago on ProductHunt, but now it’s “officially” a serious project : At least most of the major media outlets like for instance : Mashable: Bye, Twitter. All the cool kids are migrating to Mastodon.Mic: What is Mastodon? Everything to know about new social network**Yahoo: **Mastodon, the new alternative to Twitter**The Verge: **Mastodon....

April 7, 2017 · 5 min · Johann Savalle

The cloud is dead — long live the cloud!

Edit: looking back at this post from a few years back, it does look incredibly naive but still leaving this up - still a a few good links Back in the (not-so-distant) days, if you wanted to have some online software — to manage your invoices or your customers — or any kind of business management solution — you had to have your own servers for your company and install-and-configure the hell out of it....

April 5, 2017 · 9 min · Johann Savalle

Why should you give a damn about the internet

When I talk to people about the Internet – the first reaction is always : “Yes! Today you have no choice”. Then when I dig a little deeper – you hear the real stories. The “Yes… but…” – not in our industry – people are not buying online really – the market is not ready – it is still early So first, who is connected? Look, in case you haven’t noticed but everyone is....

April 5, 2017 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

DIY – Tracing lightbox project resources

For a project I am working on I had to find a way to build some lightpad on the cheap. Lightpad or Tracing lights – and I found these 3 different ways to go at it.  Walmart-style DIY lightpad Not much building-welding-connecting involved. Just buy 20 euros of office supplies and you are done. I might go with that one. Thanks   Makerspace-style lightbox From Instructables, I found this interesting under 30 dollars version....

February 7, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Content is king

That’s not new. That’s also not something people pay enough attention to. Content is king for a reason. Content is the expression of your knowledge. Content is what help you communicate your brand. Content is what define if you exist or not on the internet. Content is what connect people with each other. Content is what make your voice meaningful. Content is what help you make a difference For all these reasons and many others, content is king....

January 30, 2017 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

3 Myths about WordPress

Here are three myths about WordPress that really annoy the sh*t out of me because they are just so outrageously outdated and so misinformed that it 100% piss me off to still hear such BS said in meetings – especially when it comes from the IT guy in a company. However, I know it is counter-productive to shout at people for things they do not know, especially when they act out of lack of knowledge and are just repeating what some other uninformed person told them – so I thought it would be better for me to write about it and email it calmly to people (while pressing that “Send” button with rage…)...

November 25, 2016 · 4 min · Johann Savalle