pet project – litterally – [rasperry & cats]

Pet project – literally – as the kids want a cat – and we are ok – just we need a solution for when we travel and are not home for a few days up to 10 days max. So we need to get the cat to be able to eat and to take care of its basic needs without destroying the flat. Here is what I found: Input Food Simple version 1:Simple version 2:Simple version 3:Advanced v1:Advanced v2:Water Output More complex to handle...

February 20, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Open Conversations – Outline

Introduction – where we tie everything together in a sales pitch Every conversation is an opportunity – where we understand how exchange & communication is a requirement for mankind Internet – starting the global conversation – where conversation happens – and censorship – and fakes news – all core element of human nature – but also where learning, innovation and connecting the world is taking place Bitcoin – Money & markets...

February 20, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

WordPress plugins – AI & machine learning

Just a list of plugin I am considering using as a base for further developments: Kindred PostsKindred Posts uses artificial intelligence to learn how your website visitors use your site and recommends content based on their interests.(not maintained anymore but developper actively asked for people to join and keep maintaining the project… might do that… we’ll see) WordLift – AI powered SEOWordLift helps you organize posts and pages adding facts, links and media to build websites....

February 17, 2018 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

WordPress and Machine learning

I have been working on an idea for a LMS project I am involved with.  The general problem we are trying to solve is to provide a customise learning path for users  Here are some of the videos I found relevant and quick research notes.  #Machine Learning with WordPress(not as much about wordpress as I thought it would be but a nice intro)  #Building a Machine Learning Platform at QuoraVery good consideration – must relisten to it again....

February 16, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Technical debt – compilation

Technical debt is the cost of your management shortcuts compounded with interest. It is a fancy term to try to explain to the management that bad long term technical decisions were made and that now they need to bank for it. Often management is responsible for the technical debt, sometime it is a shared responsibility with the technical staff sometime it is a mix of both – in any case – whatever this is – it will always have a cost to fix it – and a cost to not fix it – which is greater is really the main question....

February 13, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Gaming – let’s playyyy (coding resource)

Bunch of resources for side project on gaming. (got 2 boys at home who have their eyes locked on mario – so I just want to use that to open their eyes on it works and make some mods and some cool evolution of the game with them…) here is what I have found that look like the more promising for quick development of 2D arcade games: Enchant JS Seems like a basic library for simple games....

February 12, 2018 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

John Perry Barlow – A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather. We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself always speaks....

February 9, 2018 · 4 min · Johann Savalle

What’s up with Google AMP pages anyway

TL;DR:  AMP is Google tech for loading pages quickly on mobile. Basically AMP is the Google version of Facebook Instant Articles. Google is pushing this tech as a mean to increase the overall volume of mobile Ad inventory – essentially more page views means more revenues for publishers and Google via DoubleClick. Solving page load issues can be done without AMP and should be probably done without it.  Google tech selling page for AMPIn short: “AMP provides a great user experience across many platforms” – all the rest is just how to implement it....

February 9, 2018 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

CCC – stuff to watch

Making Experts Makers and Makers Experts Gamified Control? China’s Social Credit Systems  Demystifying Network Cards Things you always wanted to know about NIC drivers  Everything you want to know about x86 microcode, but might have been afraid to ask An introduction into reverse-engineering x86 microcode and writing it yourself  Protecting Your Privacy at the Border Traveling with Digital Devices in the Golden Age of Surveillance...

February 8, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Slaughterbots – AI & Military

Watch this video:  <div class=‘avia-video avia-video-16-9 av-lazyload-immediate av-lazyload-video-embed ' itemprop=“video” itemtype=“" data-original_url=‘’ >  None of the technologies involved in this video are too far away from what is available today.  When you think about all the data available from face recognition, and geo-localisation – available from all major corporation – from Google to Apple including Facebook or Amazon – just to name the big ones – it does make you think....

February 8, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

A new thing in my bucket list: building a custom mechanical keyboard

Literally Probably wont do that for now – that’s like super expensive for what it is – meaning just a keyboard – but would really be a great stuff to build. I mean I checked this site : KBDfanswhich is referred in the video – and yeah.. what can I say these mechanical keyboards parts are freaking awesome! Any of you out there did that already?

February 7, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

not quitting

so yeah… I know it was supposed to post everyday. Well, it is apparently not 100% there yet. I know it is coming so I am not too worried. Maybe a bit disappointed with myself. The whole idea of /var/log was to create a space online where I could somehow journal my work, my research, my idea, draft my articles without holding it all either on my computer or in my head…...

February 6, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

thoughts on organisations’ portal

Some elements on thoughts on designing / building a company’s web portal.  – is dependant on the internal business process – can help cut from 30% to 60% inefficiencies – Requires good collaboration between designers and client – is a thing since the 90’s – today you can basically integrate both and ERP / Mobile App / CRM / CMS to deliver a 360 integration of the business needs and customer needs...

February 1, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

a quick one about the designers’ struggle with clients

Yesterday I had a conversation with a designer who made a career change to become a real-estate sales person.  yep – you heard well.  From panda-hat pencil-in-hand graphic artist and logo designer, he went to sell cinderblocks lots…  What happened? well, unsurprisingly – he got sick of clients – he got tired of not getting paid – and he got tired of having the very people who hired him for a job starting to tell him how he should do his job....

January 30, 2018 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Some days just suck shit

Mondays don’t have to suck but sometime they do… which I guess is fine and was to be expected. Yet – when you didn’t sleep overnight and still have to break your head over tons of things… some days are just not easy. The secret – is to zoom out. When I manage to zoom out on the scale of a decade – then the fact the tramway was late or that I couldnt get a coffee in the morning, or this bug in the code is become such a tiny ridicule element that can easily be overcome....

January 29, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Infosec privacy for a Sunday watch list (tor / bitcoins)

Research notes / Watchlist for later review on infosec and privacy and anonymity – note that these two are different.  #Tor Developer Isis Lovecruft lectures on anonymity systems at Radboud Universiteit #Browsing with Tor: Online Anonymity to Outsmart the NSA – Tom Lowenthal  #DEFCON 14: How to Create an Anonymous Identity  #DEFCON 20: Can You Track Me Now? Government And Corporate Surveillance Of Mobile Geo-Location Data...

January 28, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Just ship

I am very good at starting things. It wasn’t always true – I used to waste a lot of time to ponder and get to work – now in the past decade I think I have brought my capacity to set up a new project to a real good level – and kickstarting things into motions. Now – I need to move to the next level – which is perfecting the finish....

January 27, 2018 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Build Worflows

Resistance and friction is what make the daily grind hard. Let your creativity flow more easily by removing all the block from the roads so you can focus on the journey and not on perpetually cleaning up the mess that getting in your way. Writing : How I write I use Notational Velocity (Windows / Linux equivalent) – Publishing – DeskPM but also setting up a place like /var/log on my site has remove a bunch of psychological road blocks that were getting in the way....

January 26, 2018 · 2 min · Johann Savalle

Making some changes

ok, inspired by a friend, I have decided to make some changes in the way i organise my content on this blog. Separating pure content (in depth article, how-tos, reference post) from the blog in a more casual sense of word. In a follow up to post “We have stopped blogging” – I want to get back to some regular writing. Less formal, more personal, maybe informative maybe not – I don’t know yet, what I know is I want it to be place where I can share with you an open conversation....

January 24, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

We have stopped blogging

We have stopped blogging Once blogging was a thing Not a thing to talk about business But a place where people would share ideas thoughts moments emotions stories with each others. I think we should do more of that We should start blogging again. We should bring this conversation back. We left to the Facebooks and the Twitters take the control of the conversations (and no, I am not ranting against these platforms, for a change… see, I actually think Facebook and Twitter and social media as a whole has enabled a lot more people to get in touch with each other… the fact that they do other very bad thing is a different story, but fundamentally, as a conversational platform, they are pretty good…)...

January 16, 2018 · 3 min · Johann Savalle