So you have this book that you wrote.
This newsletter you so carefully crafted.
This course you designed with attention and love.
You are ready for launch.
The world is waiting for you ….
…. well ….
No one is waiting for you.
Not even the people who registered for (tick the right answer):
your newsletter your course your e-book. — > But they signed up, right?...
Design is at the core of everything you do.
The piece of hardware you are using to read this post has been designed.
The website you read is the result of a design process.
Design is about creating the experience that will allow your audience to enjoy from what you want to give them.
As a kid you’ve designed carefully this present for your mum on mother’s day....
Can you design iOS with Microsoft Word? Well maybe you never thought it was possible, have a look at the video and then let’s talk…
When you know what you want to create, when you have a clear vision of the result then tools are merely a way to get there and you will get to the result you want.
In the video above, you can see a perfect execution of someone executing the iOS design into Microsoft Word....
The short answer is : you don’t. There is no such thing as “staying” motivated. Instead you need to cultivate necessity.
Necessity You know this feeling you get when you’re getting dangerously close to a deadline. Like you have to get that shit done. Now. Err.. actually yesterday, but yeah, now. And you get full power into your essay/project/report. That feel like motivation, right? So now the question is more how do I stay motivated all the time?...
You know it is true.
You know it is right.
Yet, you do not get to do it.
Too busy? Too lazy?
Maybe you are just unclear with your goals.
Humans are goal-driven animals. We just cannot move our little finger if we do not have a reason for it. It may be a primal instinct that drive you toward action, and skip the rationalisation altogether, or it may be a cold rationalised series of strategic moves, or a mix of both....
Coding & tech Coding Tech
The best of all tech conferences currated for you in one youtube channel. High quality content on all kind of computing topics. Traversy Media
One of the best individuals producing coding tutorials on trending stacks.
The best free academy for coding. I shall make a post just dedicated to this project. Fireship...
Gamification for engagement and monetisation
engagement and monetisation are nearly two aspects of the same thing.
The user want to use to your app and is ready to invest more time or more money for it.
Reddit : gamified status. Paid for social status using credits Audible : subscription earn you points, with points you can gain option to download books. Stop your sub and you lose all your points....
here is how you can restream a source video from one RTMP to Facebook live
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ffmpeg -i "rtmp://" \ -r 30 \ -ar 44100 \ -s 1280x720 \ -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 90k \ -movflags +faststart \ -preset veryfast -crf 28 \ -tune zerolatency \ -profile:v baseline \ -maxrate 1000k \ -vcodec libx264 \ -bufsize 10000k \ -g 60 \ -max muxing_queue_size 1024 \ -f flv "rtmp://live-api-s....
Recharts is a chart library built on React and D3.
Focus on simplicity, native SVG support, lightweight, and declarative components.
Line Charts Area Charts Bar Charts Composed Chart Scatter Chart Radar Chart