We are all different.
Color, Race, Religions.
Different brands of toothpaste.
Different opinions.
Lately, having different opinions is starting to turn into a real issue.
Up to a point where people can’t even have a conversation about it.
(Arguably, this was always the case, just that now, it seems it is getting harder to just ignore others’ opinions)
It is not always easy to to discuss.
Open conversations are hard.
It is even harder when both sides have strong opinions.
Well, Heineken just made a commercial about
Worth watching.
If only we could learn to talk to each other, we’d be in a much different place.
It will take more than a beer commercial to get there.
But it still remain a very nice move by Heineken.
It also confirms my opinion that businesses have a real role to play in creating content that can impact the world around them.
We live in the internet era.
Your voice matter.
Make it count.