The Principal Agent Problem & Hayek’s Knowledge problem

The Principal Agent Problem The Principal Agent Problem occurs when one person (the agent) is allowed to make decisions on behalf of another person (the principal). In this situation, there are issues of moral hazard and conflicts of interest. The Principal Agent ProblemHayek’s Knowledge problem Frequently mentioned as the most important essays in the history of economic thought, Hayek’s essay “The Use of Knowledge in Society” question the fundamental problem that economics exists to solve?...

September 4, 2018 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Milgram experiment, company culture, work ethics

Or why “do as you are told” is a bad idea. In 1964, Stanley Milgram back then a young researcher at Yale University, published the resultsa famous experiment known to this day as the Milgram Experiment. The set up is simple: The subject of the experiment takes part himself in a (staged) experiment supposed to study the impact of pain on memory and learning. For this, he is asked by the experimenter to administer increasingly strong electric shocks to a test subject for every wrong answer....

May 16, 2017 · 4 min · Johann Savalle

Millennials are a myth

Millenials (people born after 1980 and before 2000) are defined as : lazy entitled unattached not motivated by money want more holidays more horseshit The point of this post is to share a truth more and more commonly agreed upon: Millenials are not real. “Millennials” as a concept is mainly a huge pile of crap. And I just stumbled upon wonderful talk by Adam Conover, and I think he made the point pretty brilliantly so please what the talk down there....

May 14, 2017 · 3 min · Johann Savalle

Beer, Conversation and Bridging the Opinion Gap

We are all different. Color, Race, Religions. Different brands of toothpaste. Different opinions. Lately, having different opinions is starting to turn into a real issue.  Up to a point where people can’t even have a conversation about it. (Arguably, this was always the case, just that now, it seems it is getting harder to just ignore others’ opinions)  It is not always easy to to discuss. Open conversations are hard....

April 28, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle

Art is about creating perspective

Design is about solving problem Art is about creating perspective Both place the human dimension at the center of their craft It is never about the tool or the medium per se It is always about the experience Imagination is the trigger Pulling the trigger take you out of this world Use text – images – sound – video – animation – sculpture – theatre – anything. Take the weapon of your choice....

April 20, 2017 · 1 min · Johann Savalle