A quick intro
In this article, we will delve into the specifics of turning a running WordPress Multisite in production into a well organised, development-ready, version control, dev/staging environnment, as well as the deployment process (not automatic for now).
Recently, I had to create a local/staging/production environnement for a rather large WordPress Multisite instance. The process was not that obvious at first so I created documention for it here, for my future self, as well as for probably other people in similar situations.
Since the instance was already running in production, with Woocommerce and large amount of custom plugins, I had to be careful not lose any data and to ensure the deployement process would be as smooth as possible.
The production server is a solid baremetal server with enough capacity to run 3 to 4 time the production site, so I decided to keep the staging on the same server, which is probably the best for testing.
An alternative would have been to virtualize the whole thing and have 2 virtual machines, one for production and one for staging, that could then be moved around and run on nearly any infrastructure, but I did not have time for that, and also, if virtualizing anything, I’d rather try to evolve toward Docker- but this come with complexities of its own and right now that was rulled out.
For the local version, I used Vagrant/Homestead (see more about it here or later in the article)
The whole thing is working with Nginx
So in short we have :
- Original instance on server (so that we have a fall back if we f-up anything on the way)
- Staging instance on server
- Production instance on server
- Local Instance on Homestead VM
Overall process
Let’s just go over the whole process to understand what is going to happen before devling into the details of each step.
1. Create a test composer-based local version
- Dump production database
- Save uploads
- Set up locally
- One time process to composerify the wordpress install (this is taking some time, get ready)
2. Create staging from local version
On production
- Dump production database
- Save uploads
On staging
- Set up nginx
- git clone the dev version
- composer install
- db import
- copy uploads from prod.
- set up local-config.php
- update url:
wp search-replace prod-domain test-domain --network
(run it twice in a row) - update db :
wp core update-db --network
- update woocommerce : for loop to do
wp wc update --url="https://network/url";
- Check everything workds
3. First time creation of production from staging version & original site
On original production site
- Dump production database
- Save uploads
On new production site
- git clone the dev master version
- composer install
- rsync uploads from prod.
- set up local-config.php
- no need to update url (will be same domain)
- import db from production
- update db :
wp core update-db --network
- update woocommerce : for loop to do
wp wc update --url="https://network/url";
- Check everything workds
- Set up nginx (copy from staging)
- Backup nginx comfig from original file
- Restart Nginx & pray
- Check everything works
- Congratulation!
4. Setting up semi-automation scripts
- script 1: Production to Local data import
- script 2: Production to Staging data import
- script 3: Staging to Production deployment
- script 4: Database and Backup script
Now let’s get into details.
1.Create a test composer-based local version
1.1 Move data from production to local development environment
- Step 1 : Dump produnction database
where :
- db_user is your db user.
- DB_prod is the database user
- backup/latest.sql whatever location you want for you db dump.
Personally, I created a ‘backup’ directory at the root of the wordpress install and I dump it there, and use latest.sql which is replaced each time there is a new DB dump.
We are going to use the same user for staging and production - for convenience.
Step 2 : Tarball the upload directory
Step 3 : create staging db
While logged in as db_user
- Step 3 : import dump into staging db
2) Copy files to staging
or even better
This is assuming you are creating the staging on the same server.
You might need to double check files have proper access for nginx www-data
3) Set up nginx file to support web access to wordpress staging version
Copy your existing nginx file from /etc/nginx/sites-available/production.vhost
to /etc/nginx/sites-available/staging.vhost
and fix the domain stuff
Here is a sample of what it could be - but best is to stick to your existing one.
*Add link to nginx example
4) Update your wp-config.php
Connect details :
4) wp search replace
Make sure your wpcli us up to date.
then run
4) local copy using homestead
Install homestead from here
map your project:
certbot-auto certonly –nginx staging.2serv.eu –dry-run certbot-auto certonly –nginx staging.2serv.eu
https://wpackagist.org/ https://getcomposer.org/
wp core update-db –network
wp search-replace “/wp-content/uploads” “/content/uploads” –network