WordPress with Composer - Part 1

https://davidwinter.dev/install-and-manage-wordpress-with-composer/ This is the killer workflow for WordPress, or at least the key element to build one. Part 1: Composer and WordPress Part 2 (in the work): WordPress and Git 1. What is Composer Composer is a great tool to manage your PHP dependencies. You probably already know about it if you are used to working with PHP. Composer is to PHP what npm is to javascript or pip is to Python....

August 14, 2019 · 4 min · Johann Savalle

How to make WordPress Multisite development-ready

A quick intro In this article, we will delve into the specifics of turning a running WordPress Multisite in production into a well organised, development-ready, version control, dev/staging environnment, as well as the deployment process (not automatic for now). Context Recently, I had to create a local/staging/production environnement for a rather large WordPress Multisite instance. The process was not that obvious at first so I created documention for it here, for my future self, as well as for probably other people in similar situations....

August 3, 2019 · 5 min · Johann Savalle

Migrer avec WP CLI & Git

Pour les développeurs comme pour les intégrateurs, la bonne maitrise d’un workflow efficace et sans surprise est important pour une bonne livraison de projet. Personnellement, je recommande le workflow suivant: Migration des fichiers avec git Migration de la base avec wp cli Voilà comment je procède: Depuis le serveur A: Pour plus d’info sur git, je vous conseil d’aller voir soir là soit là-bas. Après, pour le hosting du répo, perso j’utilise Bitbucket, mais github est bien aussi....

May 12, 2016 · 1 min · Johann Savalle